PROTECS Commissioning & Validation
Assuring Performance Readiness is Never an Afterthought


Your Space’s Performance is Our Top Priority

Our approach to conformance begins at the earliest stages of design, and remains a top-of-mind priority from site selection through construction to ensure quick turnaround.

The transition from building to operation can be a stressful one, particularly in compliance-driven industries like R&D, pharmaceuticals, biotech and hi-tech manufacturing. But we are veterans of labs and fabs—making commissioning and validation a seamless progression of the build phase.

You’ll have confidence knowing that your compliance standards have been carefully considered from project inception, and that these quality assurance processes will not delay your time-to-innovation.

Why PROTECS for Commissioning and Validation?

We think differently about the importance of conformance. In fact, we guarantee that your facility will comply with all relevant local, state, and FDA regulations as part of our evolved model of Leveraged Design-Build™.

Ensuring Conformance
from Project Inception

As part of our Target Costing® methodology, we work with clients to understand the full range of performance, capacity, and regulatory requirements they must meet—before design even begins.

This enables us to evaluate potential spaces with conformance in mind, and transition seamlessly from design to build without incurring costly re-engineering cycles or change orders to address unanticipated compliance demands.

Trust Our Commissioning Know-How—
It’s Been Validated

Informed by a robust track record working in countless compliance-driven spaces, we act as the single point of accountability between owners, contractors, and validation service providers to get our clients up-and-running as quickly and efficiently as possible. These services include:

  • Installation Qualification (IQ)
  • Operational Qualification (OQ)
  • FAT, SAT
  • Start Up
  • Training
  • Documentation – Bid Packages, Manuals, Reports, Calibration Certificates, etc.

PROTECS track record boasts over $4 billion in successfully completed and commissioned projects.

commissioning and validation infographic

We assume this risk for our clients as a natural expression of our commitment to project delivery excellence.

Don’t wait to make conformance a project priority.

Let us show you how proper planning in the earliest project phases can create significant time efficiencies and get your space functional, faster. Tell us about your compliance needs today.

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target costing

Cost Containment, Down to a Science

Through our patented Target Costing® approach, we eliminate costly re-engineering cycles—and your risk—by ensuring from the start that your space will perform and conform within your real budgetary requirements.

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construction management

On Time, In Budget, No Surprises

Learn how PROTECS applies our same evolved philosophy and expertise to construction management.

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