PROTECS Decommissioning & Adaptive Re-Use
Restoring Revenue Generation
Adapt Your Environment to Change
From lab conversions to multi-tenant facility build-outs, PROTECS will help identify the optimal exit strategy for your site, and then oversee its re-use strategy through to fruition.
For large, specialized sites that are now sitting vacant, the cost of ownership alone is significant. Decommissioning and adapting the use of these campuses can restore these sites to revenue generation, but this process demands specialty expertise in order to be done effectively and efficiently.
Drawing from years of experience repurposing specialized spaces in life sciences and hi-tech, PROTECS serves as an invaluable advisor for site owners, efficiently decommissioning and adapting vacant campuses into thriving multi-tenant, multi-purpose campuses.
Why PROTECS for Decommissioning?
We understand the intricacies of high-tech sites, and the value of the systems that are already inherently built in. We work to maximize that value with opportunities to allow for in-kind use, and create multi-tenant spaces that align with the evolved R&D business model of privatized innovation.
A Creative View of Adaptive Re-Use
We identify every possible opportunity to maximize the life of existing R&D spaces while bringing an engineering-focused construction perspective on ways to repurpose site space to increase its utility and attractiveness to a broader spectrum of potential tenants.
A Partner that Knows Specialized Spaces
Many decommissioning agents may not be fully aware of the intrinsic value specialized campuses hold. We understand the systems, controls, clean rooms, and automation technologies that keep R&D spaces running, and can identify the components most valuable for repurposing, versus those to phase out.
Change for the (Revenue) Positive
The privatization of innovation has changed the high-tech real estate landscape, and the trend is proliferating across other industries as well. Let PROTECS help you capitalize on this change with a strategy to transform your large vacant specialty infrastructure into multi-tenant spaces that accommodate evolving tenant needs.
Repurposing a site for in-kind use restores its revenue potential significantly faster than gutting or selective demolition.
Applying our same commitment to efficiency and cost containment in Leveraged Design-Build™ to the decommissioning process, we’ll help you develop an adaptive re-use strategy that makes your site revenue-positive in no time.
Don’t wait to revive your site’s revenue potential.
PROTECS has the knowledge to help you decommission, assess, and adapt your space with efficiency and economical success. Tell us some details about your site infrastructure to get started today.
Discover All the Benefits of Leveraged Design-Build™
The same components you know from traditional models, but optimized to maximize your cost savings, timelines, and project success.
Cost Containment, Down to a Science
Through our patented Target Costing® approach, we eliminate costly re-engineering cycles—and your risk—by ensuring from the start that your space will perform and conform within your real budgetary requirements.